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Results for "keyword: "humility""
Faith believes, but it is modest Faith believes, but it is modest
You must burn yourself completely You must burn yourself completely
Try to do some act of kindness on a routine basis Try to do some act of kindness on a routine basis
Faith is a blush in the presence of God Faith is a blush in the presence of God
Profit and victory to others Profit and victory to others
Many of the greatest teachers did not think of themselves as special Many of the greatest teachers did not think of themselves as special
Ruby not lovelier than a rock Ruby not lovelier than a rock
Shin Buddhism An authoritative overview of this popular school of Buddhism.
Benedict's Dharma Commentary by four Buddhist scholars on the sixth-century rule of life used in some Christian monasteries.
Seeking Enlightenment . . . Hat by Hat A spunky spiritual memoir about a mystery writer's quest for God and community.